Applications of different types of bearings--

Turntable bearing applications - CNC turntables, five-axis machining centers, car milling composite processing centers, gear processing equipment, precision grinding machines, precision measurement and control equipment, etc.

Crossed roller bearing applications - Direct drive motors, five-axis machining centers, robots, medical equipment, fourth-axis turntables, milling heads, high-speed vertical lathes.

Equal section thin-walled bearing applications - Direct drive motors, surgical robots, reducers, semiconductors, stepper motors, medical instruments, rotary encoders.

Turntable bearing applications - Welding positioners, laser chucks, radar, wind power generation equipment indexing plates, medical CT machines.

Robot bearing applications - Harmonic reducers, RV reducers.

Lead screw bearing applications - Machine tool lead screws.

Angular contact bearing applications - Grinding machine workpiece shafts, lathe spindles, photovoltaic slicers, vacuum pumps, drilling machines, bed tailstock spindles, electric spindle rotary tips.

Cylindrical roller bearing applications - Deep groove ball bearing applications - Industrial robots, medical equipment, ceramic machinery.

Tapered roller bearing applications - Motorcycle workpiece shafts, large lathe spindles, flat rotary tables.